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site version 7.3

Wednesday 3:00am

Date Posted:

One more update to the admin theme page.  The options to change the memo blog and wordpress background colors have been removed.  They have proven to be more trouble than they are worth.  Altering the article background color will alter the background color for the memoblog and wordpress sections on the mainpage as well.  It's easy enough to put it back the way it was later if I need to.


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allegory 1, anime 1, article 6, audio 2, bible 2, books 3, bug 20, code 1, commercial 1, computer 15, election 5, ereader 5, fixed 11, games 24, habits 2, hard to remember 1, history 1, keyboard shortcuts 1, links 3, memo blog 1, mini-review 12, moving 2, music 1, mysql 1, news 33, none 1869, opera 69, politics 9, private 16, quotes 1, reformat hard drive 19, sgopc 1, site update 15, site version 205, sleep 3, star wars 2, story 4, swtor 1, texas 1, vacation 5, video 5, website 25, windows 10 1, wishlist 3

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