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Memo Blog Archives

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5/18/10 This week is gonna be tough. This is the last week at Circa for Church Basement Ladies 2 and I'll a. . .
5/14/10 starting a new project because I can't help myself. It is an upgrade to the upload program to allow. . .
5/13/10 site version 5.2.5 Cleaned up the CSS titles on about 6 different admin pages. The generate thum. . .
5/12/10 Next up is to start using this site as a tool. For example to keep notes on good books or movies I'. . .
5/12/10 Site Version 5.2.4 updated the names of the colors in the config page to be colored the same colo. . .
5/12/10 site version 5.1.4 updated the image generator in the memo blog to no longer include lower qualit. . .
5/12/10 Added annotation to the search program. There is nothing more to do in the search program; nothing . . .
5/12/10 site version 5.1.3 I'll call this a bug fix. The redirects after creating a file now redirect to. . .
5/11/10 kk, search phrases can now be negated as well. Search 5.1 is still 5.1. It is just too early to la. . .
5/11/10 I'm nuts! I am well on my way to upgrading the search program again. This time to negate words. I. . .
5/11/10 The search script is now back on hiatus. Yay! I need a break from the search program and coding in. . .
5/11/10 Site version 5.1.2 Removed the use of nl2br due to javascript interference :(.
5/11/10 site version 5.1.1 search feature was updated to 5.1 to address a couple of bugs in the script and . . .
5/10/10 Search 5.1 is almost done. I cleaned up the layout a little as well. I have one, possibly two thin. . .
5/10/10 I tested search 5.1 and it works. The main difference that the user will see is that the search fie. . .
5/9/10 It's been a bit of a long week. I finally got the sleep I needed this afternoon and feel like I hav. . .
5/8/10 Getting rather busy with work. I thought of a quick way to test out the modification to the search . . .
5/8/10 methinks that I am going to put search 5.1 on the back burner for a long while. The search program . . .
5/7/10 step 1 of 4 is done for search 5.1. step 2 = delete old search form from search file. hard step . . .
5/7/10 This update to the search program to simplify it is proving to be very complicated.
5/7/10 I am starting work on search 5.1 to clean up the script and address some work arounds I am currently. . .
5/7/10 ok, it is late. I hope to do no more major coding for a while. I just checked the updated query . . .
5/7/10 Fixed the numbering system for the search program. It wasn't the way I wanted to fix it, but it wor. . .
5/6/10 kk, the links for the new (5.0) search program work now. I'll get to the rest of the fixes later.
5/6/10 aaannnnd the script is no longer working again. looks like I need to update the reference table soo. . .

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