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Memo Blog Archives

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3/5/22 Adding, editing, and deleting Bible quotes works now, but it is throwing up a number of warnings on . . .
3/5/22 To do: Can't add new Bible quotes done tags page does not list unused tags done modify how pass. . .
3/4/22 Fixed bug where memo blog tags could not be renamed. Discovered bug where tags that exist, but ar. . .
3/4/22 Fixed the issue where new tags could not be created for memo blog posts. Next, fix the admin tags. . .
3/4/22 Made a few fixes to the Memo blog archives page. Added some commenting to the code empty results. . .
2/28/22 Interesting, it appears that when I create a memo blog post with a tag that does not exist, the tag . . .
2/28/22 Interesting case to look into later 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, ADF link It is very similar to th. . .
2/27/22 I decided to implement the fixes made so far. In order to test it out further I need to fix another. . .
2/27/22 I'm making progress. The search feature for the memo blog archives partially works now, at least on. . .
2/26/22 Commented the code for adding an addition theme setting for the admin part of the website. I kept. . .
2/26/22 Removed the link to older Main Content entries when viewing the oldest entry.
2/26/22 Kinda dabbling on a few bugs on the website. One that I am having trouble with is the memoblog arch. . .
2/25/22 Just finished the rest of the code for a new theme option color1. This is different from color in t. . .
2/24/22 Ok, I have the javascript aspect taken care of. It appears that I have it set up so that there are . . .
2/21/22 I'm working on adding a new theme setting, but I'm a bit stuck on the JavaScript at the moment.
2/21/22 The main file I am working on is the memo blog archives. It works, but the page is struggling a bit. . .
2/19/22 I'm gonna have to get back to work on updating some code.
2/18/22 Fixed the links to gog.com links. There are still a number of links that GOG has recently added tha. . .
2/14/22 Just updated to PHP 8.1 from 8.0. Not really looking forward to doing that since the last time I up. . .
2/12/22 In 2021 I purchased a lot of cool computer accessories and I am looking to get a few more. The list. . .
1/16/22 I'm nearly fully recovered. Being as sick as I was really shut me down. Now that I am back to work. . .
1/11/22 At present, the password structure looks secure. It is encrypted about 4 different ways with a coup. . .
1/9/22 I'm slowly recovering. I was able to improve the security of several more pages. Next up is to w. . .
1/3/22 I am definitely sick and have been for a couple weeks now.
12/29/21 Just took care of what is probably the biggest security bug. I'm a bit too tired to continue tonigh. . .

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