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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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9/1/07 News archives on energy are now valid.
9/1/07 misc articles are now all valid.
9/1/07 Site Version 3.18.17 fixed the error in the Code sections where spaces were being condensed.:)
9/1/07 files 1–9 in the webdesign section are now valid. There are 31 articles total in that area. . . .
9/1/07 Sorry, too tired to continue. If I have time I will work on it more tomorrow. I am moving, and whe. . .
9/1/07 several more web design articles are now valid. It seems like the web design articles often have mo. . .
9/1/07 The misc files are now all valid.
9/1/07 I just finished getting that troublesome "How to display code" page valid. The major stuff is done.. . .
8/31/07 Theology section has been validated.
8/31/07 ok, I think that is about enough validation for me. I am getting burned out with validating everyth. . .
8/31/07 admin login page is now valid.
8/31/07 Daily Bible quotes are now valid.
8/31/07 Got another admin page valid. The admin pages take longer to do because they are password protected. . .
8/31/07 "News I'm Watching" page is now valid.
8/31/07 The links pages are now valid.
8/31/07 There's only a few files left that need to be worked on; the links page, bible quotes, news and a fe. . .
8/31/07 manga reviews are now all valid as well as the list page.
8/31/07 marriage amendment archive list is now valid.
8/31/07 memo blog archives are now valid with the possible exception of the links if the entry has a link. . . .
8/30/07 anime characters list and their related articles are now valid.
8/30/07 search and search results are now valid. As well as can be expected anyway. I think the search was. . .
8/30/07 anime reviews are now all valid.
8/30/07 The anime reviews main format is valid, but I have to go through a lot of the individual files to pu. . .
8/30/07 currently at 57 errors from 79 on the anime review pages.
8/30/07 The main admin page is now valid. The admin index was probably one of the worst ones in terms of me. . .

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