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8/30/07 My tests are done. I just took a long nap and will probably be going back to sleep soon. Till then. . .
8/30/07 One more test in a few hours :( I'll be so glad when tomorrow is over. I fixed some more style pro. . .
8/29/07 I'll work on the main page layout some more tomorrow. I'll be using hr tags. I was reading up on t. . .
8/27/07 did some more work on the layout of the mainpage anyway. It still needs some serious work in my opi. . .
8/27/07 Main page is valid again. I need to work on the cosmetics part of it still though. No more coding . . .
8/27/07 The main page is obviously not valid any more. I kinda got sloppy with my coding and broke somethin. . .
8/26/07 A few more pages are now valid. The list page of the anime and manga and the site map page for a to. . .
8/26/07 Just gotta say that there is a lot that goes into getting a site built. I think there is a completi. . .
8/26/07 more pages are now cleaned up. Gonna stop for tonight. Getting tired. I moved the todo page over . . .
8/26/07 The site is cleaning up nicely. In short several more pages now validate. Still working on it.
8/25/07 The main page is clean. I just need to clean up the main content code a bit. It is fine, just a bi. . .
8/25/07 main page is now html valid, now to move on to the rest of the site. There are a few minor glitches. . .
8/25/07 down to 35 errors on the test page.
8/25/07 down to 46 errors. seems like I gotta fight for every error fixed. The main page is complicated th. . .
8/25/07 down to 52 errors. Mostly taking care of the "easy" stuff. You'll probably be seeing a few funky t. . .
8/24/07 down to 74 errors.
8/24/07 This is complicated, but I am down to 87 errors from 94 when I was first able to get the page to val. . .
8/24/07 hmm, did some more looking and it would appear that the problem has to do with a text formatting fil. . .
8/24/07 The nbsp problem is back in a different way when I convert to php5. The nbsp starts to show up as a. . .
8/23/07 The main page is a tangled mess. I'll have to work on it some more tomorrow.
8/23/07 Problem solved. The nbsp had to be replaced by its ascii equivalent, which in this case is #160. T. . .
8/23/07 Took a while to find the snag, but the reason the pages are not getting validated is because I am u. . .
8/22/07 I was able to convert the main page to strict doctype and maintain, if not improve slightly, the lay. . .
8/22/07 almost done with adding my explanation of capturing subpatterns to the PCRE intro page. The last pa. . .
8/22/07 started work on getting this site more standards compliant. Yup, this is a big project. If you wan. . .

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