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Memo Blog Archives

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2/10/07 I need to sleep for a bit. The code still needs a bit more work before I apply it to the rest of th. . .
2/10/07 Everything below the reviews, meaning the two blog images and the wordpress blog and the memo sectio. . .
2/9/07 very sleepy. I updated the memoblog to display the time and I updated the coming soon box to displa. . .
2/8/07 kinda sleepy. I didn't study today either. I am kinda on a mental vacation at the moment. I am ju. . .
2/8/07 Just cleaning up the code on the front page some more. The front page has always been such a mess c. . .
2/7/07 I slept the afternoon away and I am about to go back to sleep again. Pulling all–nighters is . . .
2/7/07 65 out of 75 is not that bad. That and I don't have any more practicals that I need to worry about.. . .
2/6/07 There are two versions of each class that I am taking. I am taking the harder version of each class. . .
2/6/07 It sounds weird, but I think that I like this way of blogging a lot better than Wordpress. Posting . . .
2/5/07 The practical could have gone better. I hate to say it, but it means that getting a 'B' in the clas. . .
2/5/07 meh, I scanned the article list page for code that I could prune and found only one duplicate line, . . .
2/5/07 The code for the programming form has been pretty well pruned. The file size has gone down from 387. . .
2/5/07 I worked on the programming submit file and narrowed down the script from a size of 4395 bytes to 25. . .
2/4/07 I need to remember that when I consolidate many of the files on this site I should add the ability t. . .
1/31/07 fine... for completeness the theology dates are off by a few days, up to a week, but who cares abou. . .
1/31/07 I was able to find all of the original dates for the manga reviews and all but one of the dates for . . .
1/31/07 Nothing really. I am just geting anxious about the rest of this trimester. I am going to try not t. . .
1/30/07 I can see that I am going to have to add the time of day that these blogs are posted. Speaking of. . .
1/30/07 I updated the form for the main page. It needs a bit of tweeking, but it works. I am going to take. . .
1/30/07 Finished resyncing the columns and debugging the new layout. I think it may be time to redo the l. . .
1/29/07 I have a new news blog set up :) This version of the memo is new and improved in that it has a blog. . .
1/29/07 latest2
1/29/07 This is the newest memo post.
1/29/07 yooo
1/29/07 yo

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