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State of the War in Israel

Posted: 12/13/24

The war in Israel began about 434 days ago on October 7, 2023 and is still going with few signs of it stopping.  There have been a few developments, or signs if you will, of what may be coming.

There has been lots of talk both here and in the US of Israel to seize all of Gaza and the West Bank ref1, ref2, ref3.  With the recent fall of Syria, there is talk of annexing part of Syria, the Golan Heights, to Israel ref.

In Gaza the fighting against Hamas continues.  One has to wonder where all of the fighters keep coming from and if there is any infrastructure or buildings left in Gaza.  The number of rockets coming from Gaza is infinitesimal compared to the start of the war and the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) continue to locate them along with tunnels, ammunition, and terrorists.  It is believed that the smuggling routes into Gaza have been permanently cut off and that Israel will never permit Gaza to have access to the rest of the world again.

Gazan's, for their part, seem to feel that Hamas has led them to the dark ages and worse.  They say that Hamas must return the hostages and give up control of Gaza, however, when you listen to them, there appears to be no remorse for what Hamas did among the citizens even now. ref1, ref2

Nearly all of the major figures in Hamas have been eliminated and the only one I have not heard from is Sinwar's brother.  With President Trump taking office on January 20th, the pressure on Hamas is really heating up.

I will try to post again when something significant changes in the current Israel-Hamas war.

Update 12/20/24: Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that the war in Gaza will not end until Hamas is ended.  He also said that the main focus of their attacks is Hamas for now.  ref

Last Updated: 12/29/24

TAGS: israel
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