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9/15/15 I found a couple of new website bugs. http://www.animeviews.com/article.php?ID=? will produce a b. . .
9/15/15 Opera 32 just came out today, 9/15/15, and I'm excited to try out all of the new features available . . .
9/8/15 Updated the admin instructions for the news page to remove outdated instructions I recently noticed . . .
9/4/15 local tax burdens by state for 2011
9/1/15 I'm not sure what is going on with Opera right now. It appears that after the restructuring with Op. . .
8/30/15 I've been unmotivated to complete work on the admin theme page or make the site load faster on mobil. . .
8/24/15 Before going to sleep last night I was able to make a good deal of progress in learning how my javas. . .
8/24/15 Argh, this javascript fix for the admin page is bugging me. My javascript is the weakest of my codi. . .
8/23/15 Small fix yesterday where pages that have lengthy code would not display properly.
8/22/15 Next up is to clean up the site code and fix a few bugs.
8/22/15 I almost have it. The archived snap shot of version 7.2 is almost done. Update: Got it :) Next . . .
8/21/15 I'm trying to recreate the 7.2 version of my main page for archive purposes, but it is proving a tin. . .
8/18/15 Wow. Over 10 years later and I actually remember the password for www.popcans.4t.com which was one . . .
8/17/15 Updated Older Musings to the new mobile friendly format. Most of the admin pages are now converte. . .
8/13/15 Opera 32 just entered beta today. There are a lot of tasty UI improvements with this one. Sync . . .
8/8/15 Fixed a bug in my screenshots upload script. I need to update some of the code as it is outdated an. . .
8/6/15 I'm stopping here in regards to updates to the website code while I decide how I want to update my s. . .
8/4/15 cleaned up the management form page for the bible quotes. I'd say that page was the most in need of. . .
8/4/15 Opera 31 came out today. Opera Discover was redesigned to be more useful and no longer looks so muc. . .
8/4/15 Cleaned up and finished work on the manga review management page and the anime characters management. . .
8/3/15 News management pages were cleaned up and made mobile friendly along with anime reviews management p. . .
8/1/15 Touched up the main admin page some more and removed the weather app. Update: touched up the layo. . .
8/1/15 I'm trying my hand at pickling garlic. It turned out rather well. It may be slightly under cooked . . .
8/1/15 I'm starting to work on some admin pages to make them mobile friendly for uniformity. While I'm at . . .
7/26/15 member control panel login page updated to the new format.

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