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Hot cases to watch part 3

Posted: 7/12/13

Prominent cases where Christians are being sued
for not supporting same sex marriage

Currently being Litigated

OREGON: Sweet Cakes by Melissa

COLORADO: Phillip's Masterpiece Cakeshop, alt Autumn Scardina vs. Masterpiece Cakeshop and Jack Phillips

CALIFORNIA: Cathy Miller Department Of Fair Employment And Housing V. Cathy’s Creations, Inc.

Finished cases

KENTUCKY: Hands On Originals Hands On Originals v. Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission

NEW MEXICO: Elane photography Elane Photography v. Willock

WASHINGTON: Arlene's Flowers Robert Ingersoll and curt Freed V. Arlene's Flowers, Inc., Et Al.

COLORADO: Phillip's Masterpiece Cakeshop Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
COLORADO: Phillip's Masterpiece Cakeshop Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Elenis
VERMONT: Vermont Bed and breakfast

Free to Believe a Family Research Council website that is easy to navigate.  It chronicles Christians in the U.S. that are attacked by the government for their faith.
Note: not updated since 2015.



NOTE: Since this is a "hot cases" post I will try to expand this post until they are resolved one way or another.

Last Updated: 10/11/24

TAGS: california, colorado, hot cases, new mexico, oregon, pdf, religious persecution, supreme court, timeline, vermont, washington
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