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site version 7.3

Friday 3:03pm

Date Posted:

I am trying out the parental controls on my Kobo Elipsa 2E.  A pin is created when you turn parental controls on and removed when you disable the parental controls.  If you forget your pin you will need to sign out and sign back in.  This may sound insecure, but if your son or daughter does not have access to your login information, this is still pretty secure.  The main disadvantage to signing out and back in is that annotations will be removed.  Annotations and highlighting is not stored in your account and only on the device.

With parental controls turned on access to the browser and store is disabled.  Your device will still be connected to the internet, so it can sync up to the website and receive updates.  This means that I can purchase books through the Kobo website on another device and return to the Elipsa2E and have it already on my eReader.


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