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Memo Blog Archives

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12/24/19 I am currently dabbling on the file PHP –– Image Processing –– part 5: ImageMagick to update. . .
12/23/19 One more thought on the editor program I have been having trouble with that is only affecting me. . . .
12/22/19 Interesting news video on the latest on the impeachment. I wasn't a big fan of the whole thing, but. . .
12/19/19 I just removed the following from my php.ini file: allow_url_fopen = on allow_url_include = on . . .
12/19/19 small update to the memoblog file to add documentation and remove a small bug in the edit link for t. . .
12/18/19 I kinda want to debug or code, but I have other things I need to do now. :/
12/18/19 Here is a link for deciphering/decrypting shortened urls. http://www.getlinkinfo.com/
12/18/19 removed several ini files related to the following: allow_url_include -- deprecated magic_quotes. . .
12/16/19 I am done working on the bug related to the editor script. It appears to be an unfortunate and nast. . .
12/12/19 Hmm, I'm kinda stuck on the editor script. I tried a lot of things to narrow down where the issue. . .
12/10/19 Bleah! My website broke for a bit there! At first, I thought it was possibly due to a hack, but th. . .
12/9/19 There are few more things I want to improve upon for the memo blog/mini-review. I want to add comme. . .
12/2/19 New monitor from Acer that looks interesting, but not yet available: EI2 about It looks like. . .
11/26/19 Quick thought, but it shouldn't be too hard to add an option for the memoblog to hide posts with a p. . .
11/23/19 Fixed a small coding typo for the mini-review. Also added more comments to my code.
11/11/19 One of the cool things about having a personal website like mine is that I can update it whenever I . . .
11/3/19 I'm slowly narrowing down where the bug is in my file editor program. It does not appear to be rela. . .
11/3/19 Just created a cool little script that allows images to be concatenated/connected: ref Thi. . .
11/2/19 I am a little concerned, because I found a bug in my editor program. This is one of my more compl. . .
11/1/19 I'm kinda proud of myself. I created a script that will generate an image of text using any size an. . .
10/31/19 I'm working on my image project PHP –– Image Processing –– part 4: Working With Text. I'm m. . .
10/31/19 Added update counter to news posts and articles. Currently, this is only viewable in the edit pag. . .
10/31/19 Updated the news and article sections so that when pages are updated the comments section will now d. . .
10/31/19 The last bit of high importance code was completed. I was surprised to find a very old bug that I h. . .
10/28/19 The mini-review section is finished and ready for the first review. I am not entirely sure what I w. . .

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