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site version 7.3

Sunday 6:46am

Date Posted:

While I have been going through older news items giving them titles I notice a steady increase in the quality of my news items.  The early ones are not worth considering news, but I am leaving them in mostly as is for now because I do not like deleting archives.  

It is good to see that the quality of news items is much improved since the early days though.

As a quick side note "energy" is the last tag where I need to look through the items to give them titles.


TAGS: none

All Memo Tags

allegory 1, anime 1, article 6, audio 2, bible 2, books 3, bug 20, code 1, commercial 1, computer 15, election 5, ereader 5, fixed 11, games 24, habits 2, hard to remember 1, history 1, keyboard shortcuts 1, links 3, memo blog 1, mini-review 12, moving 2, music 1, mysql 1, news 33, none 1869, opera 69, politics 9, private 16, quotes 1, reformat hard drive 19, sgopc 1, site update 15, site version 205, sleep 3, star wars 2, story 4, swtor 1, texas 1, vacation 5, video 5, website 25, windows 10 1, wishlist 3

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