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site version 7.3

Thursday 5:38pm

Date Posted:

I'm gathering some data which I will try to organize and put into a table to compare subscriber and preferred status for swtor.

Zento subscriber level 55 daily section x basic commendation classic commendation legacy=1521 credits=7175 prisoner ID tags
bonus mission=3228 credits, 10, 30, 342 legacy

Sollalle subscriber level 50 Ilum, ravenous lisk–78–legacy 557–experience

Anlalya subscriber level 54 Section X bio–reform 7175 basic commendation classic commendation legacy=1521 credits=7175 prisoner ID tags

Anlalya subscriber level 54 Section X The Dread Guard 14,625 basic commendation classic commendation legacy=1521 credits=7175 prisoner ID tags 9330 credits


TAGS: games

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