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7/21/24 Did some revising of the layout for the theme settings. It's easier to read and more streamlined.
7/5/24 Soo sleepy. After getting locked out of my gmail account I am finally beginning the process of migr. . .
6/28/24 Alright, I have 5 days of computer activity per day as per my new ActivityWatch app and I have a pre. . .
6/23/24 Ok, Screentime is kinda broken. I may be on for 10 minutes in a day and it will say 10-24 hours. I. . .
6/21/24 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had fo. . .
6/21/24 I'm starting a new app, Screentime to see how much time I spend on my computer and to see if I can u. . .
6/8/24 possible bug where an article posted for the first time states that it has been updated 1 time thus . . .
5/31/24 Looks like I have a number of twitter links to replace with x.com. At least it is a simple update.
5/31/24 Regarding the recent Trump conviction, I'm not sure what to think right now. I wasn't expecting it.. . .
5/31/24 The rest of the day (5/29/24) went great. I had energy all day and ended up working from 8:30am to . . .
5/29/24 I want to see how the rest of today goes, but initially, here on day 5, I feel pretty awake and no h. . .
5/27/24 I recently stopped using caffeine about 3 days ago with 5/24/24 being my first caffeine free day. D. . .
5/21/24 Small correction for Articles to remove "Title and days since last updated." when no articles are di. . .
5/14/24 Changed "Submitted" to "Posted" on the main page for "New and Recently Updated". "Submitted" just s. . .
4/23/24 Still working a fair amount. I'm awaiting certain significant developments with Hot News, the borde. . .
4/21/24 Just pondering something. Whenever I can't enjoy my any of my usual pastimes it is probably an indi. . .
4/10/24 sorry for just posting a link, but I wasn't quite sure where to put this. https://webtopdf.com conv. . .
3/31/24 Here's a hypothetical: Let's say another Republican Representative retires from congress early and . . .
3/21/24 I want to adjust the layout for the news portion of the website. I want date posted and date last u. . .
3/21/24 Silly thing, but I don't use SSL certificates for my site or have a disclaimer about cookies. Why? . . .
3/17/24 To read later: 14 Ways Marijuana Harms Users
3/17/24 Transcript of Trump's historic announcement that he is running for President. Just wanted to add th. . .
3/17/24 So, you may have noticed that Dinesh D'Souza podcast has not been updated in a while. I've been mea. . .
3/1/24 Updated the available tags list for news posts, but also eliminated separating them by commas. bu. . .
3/1/24 Fixed the bug where an article with an ID value of 0 can't be viewed. The article in question is Nu. . .

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