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5/12/20 Audio book: Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court by Moll. . .
5/11/20 A new mini-review is up. Next up is to review the other books I've read in the past month: Justi. . .
5/11/20 Audio Book The Long Game: A Memoir by Mitch McConnell Summary: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McC. . .
5/10/20 I hate to say it, but I am thinking there might be a need to add the ability to add admin comments t. . .
5/8/20 Still working on the images issue for the memo, and min-review sections and making only a little pro. . .
5/8/20 Coding note: MySQL: When pulling results that contain duplicates you may want to use DISTINCT. . . .
5/5/20 I did a little more work on updating the code to hide certain memo posts so that I can have a sectio. . .
5/4/20 I need to catch up on writing some mini book reviews; hopefully tomorrow. I also really like some. . .
5/3/20 Around 3/27/20 Blizzard sent out the following survey: Thinking about the potential ways a player. . .
5/1/20 I spent some time studying yesterday, but not as much as on 4/29/20. Today, 5/1/20, I have picked u. . .
4/29/20 I actually spent a good amount of time studying today which is huge. The downside is that I wonde. . .
4/27/20 Small update to the changelog feature for articles so that if it is a new article the timestamp will. . .
4/19/20 Upgraded to php version 7.4.2 from 7.3.11.
4/15/20 Updated the News section: Removed Headlines title and enlarged the title of the first news item. . . .
4/12/20 I'm kinda surprised at how out of date Opera Stable links is out of date. I'll try to get that back. . .
4/6/20 Audio Book Resistance (at All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America by Kimberley Strassel . . .
3/21/20 Audio Book Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind by Ann Coulter. . .
3/20/20 Audio Book Hounded: The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book 1 by Kevin Hearne. Summary: A modern day fan. . .
3/20/20 Just finished Hounded: The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book 1 by Kevin Hearne. It was kinda light and fu. . .
3/8/20 Interesting link for home library ideas. second third google home library ideas or book collectio. . .
1/31/20 Small update to mini-review section to fix archives link. Yeah, currently, there is a bit of a dr. . .
12/25/19 Upgraded to php 7.3.11 from 7.2, removed allow_url_fopen, and changed max upload size to 512M from 3. . .
12/24/19 I am currently dabbling on the file PHP –– Image Processing –– part 5: ImageMagick to update. . .
12/23/19 One more thought on the editor program I have been having trouble with that is only affecting me. . . .
12/22/19 Interesting news video on the latest on the impeachment. I wasn't a big fan of the whole thing, but. . .

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