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2/6/13 I've just been pondering whether to implement yet another security upgrade.
2/5/13 I'm really excited that just worked! I can modify the hash now and it won't affect the member's pas. . .
2/5/13 I am about to start work on a final encryption tool that I want to add involving salting the encrypt. . .
2/5/13 fixed a weird bug in the admin calendar where hover data is disabled if there is a line break. It d. . .
2/4/13 The website is loading quite slowly. I'm going to have to take a break from it for a little while. . . .
2/4/13 The password reset program has been updated with documentation and improved error messaging. It was. . .
2/4/13 Opera revoked version 12.13 and now 12.12 is the latest version. I am using 12.14 as offered from t. . .
2/3/13 Updated the site to version 7.2 and updated the Site version changelog and renamed it to Animeviews . . .
2/3/13 Right now I am seriously considering whether I should update the website version number to 7.2 or wo. . .
2/2/13 Alright. As far as I know the new security features are all in place. The hashed passwords and. . .
2/2/13 I'm back. Let's see how many bugs I can knock out tonight. Update: Odd, but it seems to be worki. . .
2/2/13 Sorry, gotta stop here. There are still soooo many bugs, but they are being eliminated one after an. . .
2/2/13 It's all written, but now it appears there is some serious debugging I need to do :(.
2/2/13 Still working on writing the last page of the password reset feature. I fixed many bugs and wrote a. . .
2/2/13 Well that sucked. Opera crashed on startup. After checking around the cause is apparently Opera 12. . .
2/1/13 The two things I want to add is the ability to change your password and refine the password encrypti. . .
1/30/13 All done :) The security is much more improved using a better hashing script, with salting, ip link. . .
1/30/13 Oddly enough it seems to be working. I still need to fix the registration page and update how passw. . .
1/30/13 I'm making a good deal of progress on the new security upgrade to the site. Cookies now expire inst. . .
1/30/13 Members may have trouble logging in while I upgrade the security. After the upgrade members will ne. . .
1/29/13 Well, I've been playing Sims 3 a lot recently and I have decided not to play anymore. It is just to. . .
1/24/13 I'm gonna pack it in for tonight. I moved my computer down into the living room for several reasons. . .
1/23/13 The button used to submit new articles now says "Post Article" as opposed to "Submit Review" which w. . .
1/23/13 The Articles page no longer displays "Title and days since last updated." when no category has been . . .
1/23/13 News articles can no longer be given no title. The default title is "no title yet". The reason for. . .

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