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8/18/12 I've been testing out the member theme feature and I can't find anymore lingering bugs.
8/18/12 The member theme now seems to be working as it should. It looks like some of the member theme setti. . .
8/18/12 The member theme is on its way to being fixed. Apparently the theme choice selected was not being s. . .
8/17/12 Hmm, the member theme page seems somewhat buggy. I'll have to look into this at some point. Not ri. . .
8/13/12 I've been doing a fair amount of housework today. My least favorite task is paperwork. I have been. . .
8/10/12 I have read through a good portion of the Hawaii case and while it is interesting it is also pondero. . .
8/10/12 Our apartment is looking nicer and nicer. Actually, the last week has been very hot and my room has. . .
7/29/12 I just closed the door on our old apartment and it was a pretty good feeling. I was allowed to skip. . .
7/28/12 Just moved to our new place today. The move started yesterday and I spent the night here. I really. . .
7/26/12 I was looking up an old clorox commercial from 2008 that I rather enjoyed. I have tried to keep tra. . .
7/26/12 I finished reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter last night. It was interesting, but very different from t. . .
7/25/12 The time page that I created back in the day works again. I'm not exactly sure how bug free it is, . . .
7/24/12 to read later link. I've been sleeping a lot the last 3 days. Generally 16+ hours a day. I deci. . .
7/20/12 Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the anime and manga review submit pages where the date last updated was not . . .
7/18/12 I have to admit that I am rather depressed about who to vote for for president. This is the first t. . .
7/16/12 Wycliffe Stats: A link to the annual wycliffe stats. I used to keep up with this site years ago wh. . .
7/16/12 That was fun! I just created my first batch file :)
7/15/12 Adobe flash does not update very well for my opera browser. I have to do it directly from the site.. . .
7/13/12 I have a DVD drive that does not work properly. It seems to always think that the drive is in use a. . .
7/10/12 I recently moved all of my characters from one swtor server to one of the more populated servers and. . .
7/8/12 bug fix: removed some code from two javascript files controlling tags for editing articles which was. . .
7/8/12 Hmm, I notice that there were no new articles last month. That is really not the best news as far a. . .
7/8/12 I did everything mentioned in the last post. Any other refinements can be done at my leisure. If I. . .
7/7/12 Down to converting the last 4 songs in my music library. I have a few things I want to do with it n. . .
7/6/12 17 copy protected mp3s left to replace with unprotected versions. 6 were replaced earlier.

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