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Memo Blog Archives

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10/11/12 Yay, I broke my lazy slump today. I dug up the stump to the bush up front, transplanted two plants . . .
10/10/12 The forums have been worked on the last few days by myself and a couple of friends from the Dynamic . . .
10/9/12 It's a little odd, but I am sort of beginning to enjoy reading manga again. ...just a little.
10/8/12 The forums have been fixed and updated to the latest version (3.0.11). The forums were still usable. . .
10/4/12 Dunno as I got as much done today as I would have liked. I did mow the yard, worked some more on pu. . .
10/3/12 It's been a long, busy, yet productive day. I sorted my library (mostly), continued cleaning up my . . .
10/3/12 This feels so weird not working on a Wednesday matinée. I am now all moved in as in all of the. . .
9/25/12 It looks like my student loans are about to be consolidated and my student loan problem will very so. . .
9/24/12 ok, it looks like the memo blog form is working fine. There was nothing to fix. To play it safe I . . .
9/23/12 I found an odd bug with the memo blog where images are sometimes stored in lowercase. I should also. . .
9/17/12 There is a trick to getting windows xp to center a desktop background image by default instead of th. . .
9/13/12 Updated the calendar so that the date is blank for the hover data. The date is not really needed fo. . .
9/10/12 I added a calendar to the admin page. This will be quite handy for keeping track of all kinds of th. . .
9/10/12 When I have time I am going to split the portion of PHP –– Image Processing –– part 3 that d. . .
9/8/12 I just made another trip to the storage shed. There is not much left there. This time I picked up . . .
9/7/12 Just finished Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption and plan to start up Icewind Dale or swtor next. I. . .
9/7/12 I just finished Dungeon Keeper II this morning and will now be moving on to the next one. As a casu. . .
9/5/12 I updated the calendar script so that when saving changes made to a given month the month that you w. . .
9/3/12 Silly thing, but now and again I have the need to sort lists alphabetically. I added a tiny script . . .
9/2/12 I've been meaning to do this for a while, but when viewing memo blog posts individually the day, dat. . .
8/31/12 I just finished my news post summarizing the significance of Mark Regnerus controversial study on th. . .
8/29/12 I am currently reading up for an upcoming news post on Mark Regnerus whose study was recently vindic. . .
8/29/12 Added an example for searching news posts based on categories in the How to use the Search Feature a. . .
8/28/12 I neglected to mention that we got the central air conditioning unit fixed yesterday (read replaced). . .
8/28/12 <li> tags are now visible on the main news page.

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