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2/20/12 Ok, I have actually started studying for my boards again. The Wordpress blog will be updated monthl. . .
2/18/12 My next project is to add the calendar to this site. When I have the time, though, because I have b. . .
2/16/12 I want to write an article on the important people in the prop.8 trial and the reference cases used.. . .
2/13/12 Updated the calendar with Previous and Next links to allow for browsing through the calendar archive. . .
2/11/12 Updated the Walter Zorn script to the latest version.
2/11/12 I need to update this page.
2/11/12 I updated the church calendar test page with the Walter Zorn script and made a few visual changes to. . .
2/9/12 Gonna head to work soon. I have done minimal work on the calendar for my church. Right now I am aw. . .
2/7/12 I'm gonna call it a night tonight. I made some excellent progress this afternoon/evening/night/morn. . .
2/7/12 Lots of placeholders have been removed. This took about 2 hours. Right now it works great, but o. . .
2/7/12 The font style for the textarea space has been corrected as well as several pesky bugs that were pre. . .
2/6/12 Lots of progress has been made on the church calendar script this evening. This script will eventua. . .
2/5/12 I got some more work done on the calendar tonight. The look of the form was revised to add scrollin. . .
2/5/12 The form for the new version of the church calendar has been rewritten and is a vast improvement. I. . .
2/1/12 I just finished writing up the calendar part of the script. At the moment it determines what month . . .
2/1/12 And I still have not started studying! Sigh... I started work on the user interface for the ch. . .
1/31/12 Well, the number of people attempting to maliciously gain access to my site has tapered off the last. . .
1/29/12 I cleaned up the css for div quoted content. The margin values were listed differently and twice in. . .
1/28/12 News item specific css was added. There are just a few very minor css issues with it, but it works . . .
1/28/12 When viewing news items and no news item is selected only the list of all available tags for the new. . .
1/28/12 I have really been binging on ff6 this afternoon.
1/27/12 Well, maybe there are a few more updates before I update the site to version 7.1 from 7. Fixed a . . .
1/27/12 Bah, fixed the margins for the ul and ol tags for the third time today :x. The effort is worth it t. . .
1/26/12 I know I've been on a minor coding binge today, but I think I have about all of the big and little c. . .
1/26/12 Fixed a bug in the member control panel where members might not be logged entirely out when they dec. . .

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