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5/31/11 Fixed some coding errors so that the main page is now css valid minus the firefox css that is used. . . .
5/31/11 The main page has been made html valid again. There were 22 errors found. The biggest change is th. . .
5/30/11 Editor 1.19 is about as html valid as it is going to get. I'll try to post the update soon. I re. . .
5/30/11 Well, I think that's about it for tonight. I completed some of the items from the todo list and add. . .
5/30/11 fixed the bug where hq css was not being retrieved from the database for editing.
5/30/11 Added the demo Opera bug to the admin page tab 2 where scrollbar colors can be set if the html tag i. . .
5/30/11 Editor 1.19 is much more standards compliant now. I corrected 15 of the 17 listed errors. The rema. . .
5/30/11 cleaned up the useless code. There wasn't as much as I thought there would be.
5/30/11 added a title for mysql send.
5/30/11 I started work on integrating the news tags. I don't want to go much further until I clear up some . . .
5/30/11 removed the junk data from the search script.
5/29/11 Fixed a security bug with the search feature where hidden results and sample text would become visib. . .
5/29/11 oops, fixed the search page. Whenever you make changes to the structure of your database table you . . .
5/28/11 Meh, I finished the form for changing article tags complete with notes. It works and is up and runn. . .
5/28/11 I started work on the admin category page. It is moving along pretty nicely. Right now it lists th. . .
5/28/11 Why create normalized tables for the articles? Oddly enough I can't think of any good reasons. Wel. . .
5/28/11 sorry, forgot one tiny mistake where an array was displayed above the list of tags. Fixed now.
5/28/11 and many edits to the http://www.animeviews.com/display.php later the security hole is completely fi. . .
5/28/11 moog, the security issue in http://www.animeviews.com/display.php has been fixed, but I discovered a. . .
5/28/11 This is not the best place to list this, but it just dawned on me that the internal server error occ. . .
5/28/11 "10 most recently updated articles" has been fixed. Actually, the query was mostly rewritten and th. . .
5/28/11 Phew! One more security hole plugged. It is not perfect, but at least the titles are no longer bei. . .
5/28/11 nvm, the dash bug causing an internal server error happens when files are too long. That is what th. . .
5/28/11 fixed a bug where the default category was not recognized when creating a new article as well as the. . .
5/27/11 kk, I think I am going to gather all of the hidden file IDs and put them into an array and if the us. . .

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