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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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11/20/10 Now that I have had a chance to explore the marvel site a little more I rather like how the links ha. . .
11/19/10 I'll try and post a new article later tonight. er, late tonight. Also it looks like the user contr. . .
11/19/10 updated a few more marvel links, but there are many left to do. Recent coding tricks I have learned. . .
11/19/10 Marvel updated their website. That's fine and good, but it also means that I have to update a fair . . .
11/18/10 site version 6 The user control panel is finished. I consolidated the 2 login pages I was using . . .
11/18/10 alright, back to work on the website.
11/15/10 site version 5.28.44 fixed a tiny bug where a template color was not being recognized. Update:. . .
11/12/10 site version 5.28.43 Fixed a bug where not all of the themes were listed and the default was not . . .
11/11/10 been busy with work. I think tomorrow my hours will ease up a bit. After 6.0 starts I am going t. . .
11/10/10 Working on the email capabilities of the user control panel. After that I think the site is ready t. . .
11/9/10 site version 5.28.42 admin page now uses tabs.
11/8/10 next up is to add tabs to the admin page.
11/8/10 articles now show who wrote it underneath the title of the articles. The script could be more versa. . .
11/8/10 site version 5.27.42 The article tags script now mirrors (or at least should) the other article t. . .
11/8/10 site version 5.27.40 fixed the dash program for the memo blog to operate just like the dash progr. . .
11/8/10 site version 5.27.39 updated the search feature to not execute code when displaying search terms.. . .
11/7/10 site version 5.27.38 fixed the delete button for the admin templates page. Not a site update, . . .
11/6/10 well, I guess there are still some bugs left to work on. I made one huge mistake and the site was u. . .
11/6/10 site version 5.27.37 fixes to the templates where various text colors were not being applied to t. . .
11/6/10 currently working on some template fixes for the site.
11/2/10 site version 5.27.36 When viewing news items individually you can now see a list of all the avail. . .
10/25/10 Phew! Been working all afternoon setting up a temporary website for a friend from church. The setu. . .
10/22/10 well, one security hole fixed, one more to go. Before upgrading to 6.0 I want to make sure this upg. . .
10/21/10 feel free to try it out. I'll slowly integrate this script into the rest of my site through the nex. . .
10/21/10 Fixed several more security issues. There are a few more things I want and need to add, but I think. . .

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