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9/18/10 I just discovered an interesting bug. If an article contains CODE tags then the "undo" command does. . .
9/16/10 K, I think I have all of the time issues taken care of. I can still see this bugfix being improved . . .
9/16/10 site version 5.25.34 Bugfix: The timezone for the site has been set. Apparently WordPress was r. . .
9/15/10 I am trying to do an actual fix to the time bug instead of the patches I have been doing, so you may. . .
9/14/10 site version 5.25.33 Fixed a time bug in the Daily Bible Quote where the time on the main page wa. . .
9/14/10 great. I found another time bug that affects the Daily Bible Quote. Ah, well. I'll get to it soon. . .
9/13/10 finished up my tests. now to wait and see how I did. I did a clean install of Opera on my comput. . .
9/7/10 I'm considering refining the editor script again.
9/7/10 site version 5.25.32 fixed the article forms so that the correct category is displayed when creat. . .
9/7/10 renamed colors to "article" or "sidebar" colors (a few didn't even have names) and grouped article a. . .
9/6/10 site version 5.25.31 Fixed a MySQL error where parts of other config templates would load along w. . .
9/6/10 not that it really needs mentioning, but I decided to delete the older version of the search admin p. . .
9/6/10 site version 5.25.30 updated the scripts for manga and anime reviews to make them more readable a. . .
9/6/10 There may be a delay in site updates as I focus on studying for the rest of this week. I have a big. . .
9/2/10 Yep, I updated the most recently updated articles list from 5 to 10. I think I am satisfied with th. . .
9/2/10 Yay! the login page for the public is written and running as well as a registration page for new use. . .
9/2/10 I created the registration page and took care of a few bugs in the login page. Next up is the actua. . .
9/2/10 I am approaching this rather slowly, but as far as the login script goes I created a "demo" user, a . . .
9/1/10 just for fun, I created the table for letting users log in. I suppose that I could use the forum us. . .
8/31/10 site version 5.25.28 PCRE fix where – appears as an actual hyphen if it is hyperlinked . . .
8/31/10 I think I am going to take a break from updating the core of the site as most of the projects on my . . .
8/30/10 site version 2.25.27 Fixed http://www.animeviews.com/display.php so that it lists all available f. . .
8/30/10 site version 5.25.26 Editor 1.12. This is mostly a bugfix, but there was an improvement or two. . . .
8/30/10 I notice that when changing directories the file you are currently viewing is no longer viewable. B. . .
8/30/10 Editor has been revised. I'm not sure how to describe it. I removed many lines of code and renamed. . .

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