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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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8/15/10 I'm playing around with the CSS and layout of the site a bit. I decided, again, not to replace the . . .
8/15/10 site version 5.22.15 Added list of TAGS to the article lists.
8/14/10 The navigational menu to the left has served me well for several years, but I think that sometime in. . .
8/13/10 site version 5.21.15 Updated the templates to be able to view the template itself instead of only. . .
8/13/10 site version 5.20.15 fixed a bug where hyperlinking urls script would not work when the skip tag . . .
8/12/10 A subject I need to cover is how homosexuals think. This is a very difficult task as they are a ver. . .
8/8/10 I cleaned up the memo blog add memo page to tighten it up a bit. The textarea is shorter and the ht. . .
8/8/10 Not doing too much today. I've just been so worn out that my body really needs a rest. Last night . . .
8/5/10 prop. 8 mp3s: http://www.alliancealert.org/2010/08/10/jordan–lorence–on–all&nda. . .
8/5/10 I updated the news page with Judge Walker's prop.8 ruling. Next step is the Ninth Circuit. I als. . .
7/31/10 site version 5.20.14 Removed the delete button from new news articles. You can't delete an artic. . .
7/31/10 site version 5.18.13 Added the list of tags currently being used in all of the articles to the ar. . .
7/27/10 site version 5.17.13 added the ability to use templates for articles. This was an easy update an. . .
7/27/10 site version 5.16.13 Fixed another bug that was not tied to the bugs previously fixed, that fixed. . .
7/26/10 site version 5.16.12 Fixed three bugs dealing with the sorting of memo blog archives, main conten. . .
7/26/10 site version 5.16.9 updated the memo blog to use tags as well. The "hidden" feature used with ar. . .
7/25/10 I'm pretty sure that I want to give the memo blog tags as well. That could be handy.
7/24/10 site version 5.15.9 Tags in articles and News items are now hyperlinked. This will allow for e. . .
7/23/10 site version 5.13.9 When editing main content files dashes now appear as hyphens as opposed to &a. . .
7/22/10 Just taking a small study break and updating several of the links on the Palmer Links page. I still. . .
7/21/10 site version 5.11.9 Added a new section at the end of each page called TAGS. It basically states. . .
7/17/10 I added several more items to the list of future upgrades for the Editor program. If I can manage t. . .
7/17/10 site version 5.10.9 News items can now be given multiple tags.
7/16/10 site version 5.9.9 The articles have been updated so that articles can be given more than one tag. . .
7/9/10 site version 5.7.9 Bug fix: empty dates when editing news articles will now correctly default to. . .

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