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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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10/21/09 I thought that maybe I did a bit more than I did today. Oh, well. I do like the improvements to th. . .
10/21/09 Gonna try and update the image upload program to allow for as many as 6 images to be uploaded at onc. . .
10/21/09 site version 4.6.2 Editor version 1.1 I discovered and fixed yet more bugs in the Editor progr. . .
10/20/09 site version 4.2.1 Editor has been updated to 0.5. The list files program has been completely in. . .
10/20/09 site version 4.1.1 The first update is a bug fix and security update. I recently noticed that hi. . .
10/17/09 site version 3.78.53 site version 4.0.0 I finished code to create rounded corners. The hyperlin. . .
10/16/09 site version 3.77.52 Added the ability to change the background color for the memo blog and wordp. . .
10/15/09 Site Version 3.74.52 added color options for the text, article background, and page background. . . .
10/11/09 I am currently working on a code rewrite for the mainpage. In the past I have tried to get the main. . .
10/10/09 site version 3.68.52 This is more of a work in progress, but I updated and redesigned the metastu. . .
10/8/09 I am at the Palmer library putting my time in reading books etc. Pretty soon I am going to need to . . .
9/30/09 Site version 3.67.52 Added a preview image to the memo blog admin form. It could be nicer, but I. . .
9/29/09 Over here the internet is rather slow tonight, but I feel like working on improving the site anyway.. . .
9/13/09 I removed the limit on the number of results that can be retrieved using the search program. I do n. . .
9/9/09 Here are a couple of links for those wanting translations for Japanese words into English. It is no. . .
9/4/09 Boards are coming up in about a week and I don't really care if I pass or not. I am just a bit burn. . .
8/19/09 sorry for the lack of updates as per usual. I am adding a new hidden category so that I can add lin. . .
8/8/09 site version 3.65.52 updated the gallery script with the new php photo album v2.0 from dynamic dr. . .
8/4/09 Yeah, I know. I have posted very little new content in a while and my update schedule has not reall. . .
7/19/09 site version 3.64.52 Very minor update, but I removed the orange summary: that was listed underne. . .
7/13/09 Well, after another reboot it would appear that my computer is back up and running. My files were a. . .
7/9/09 My computer died last night. I have been spending much of last night and today reinstalling Windows. . .
7/7/09 site version 3.64.51 Updated the Main Content submit form to correctly render images.
7/4/09 site version 3.64.50 Added Prev and Next buttons to the news, memo blog, and Newest Files archive. . .
6/30/09 site version 3.63.48 Updated the anime review submit page so that images are rendered and quotes . . .

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