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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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5/10/09 The weekend seems to be the time I do the most updates to various websites however minor they may be. . .
5/3/09 Fixed a buggy page (articles archive) at qcsgopc.org, finished and created antonellaspizzeria.com, c. . .
5/2/09 I like how the reviews and site updates are coming along almost regularly now. I'd say that on aver. . .
5/2/09 Site version 3.62.43 Added the images to the latest files archive.
4/30/09 I will be happy when this trimester is over. Kind of another bad day today. I can be kind of frust. . .
4/27/09 I'm starting a new project and this is going to be frustrating, challenging, but well worth it. I a. . .
4/24/09 There are 11 anime reviews that remain to be rewritten and they really do need to be rewritten. My . . .
4/20/09 kind of a crappy afternoon. Some days are like that I guess. I guess I don't feel like talking abo. . .
4/18/09 Bored! I guess I should be studying, but I am currently binging on comics and playing Wii and I am . . .
4/18/09 I added a link for Mississippi in the news section.
4/16/09 Started taking my first steps into learning fulltext indexing for search version 4.0 I am going to . . .
4/15/09 Added a link for Utah.
4/14/09 search results are limited to about 50 now so as to improve search speeds. It looks like I will hav. . .
4/13/09 This new program is soo cool! I updated the archives so that viewing one of the memos in the archiv. . .
4/13/09 Site version 3.61.43 The memo blog uses a new image program where a random new image is generated. . .
4/13/09 Pretty :) I increased the quality for the images for the memo blog and the wordpress blog. They . . .
4/12/09 site version 3.60.43 Updated the search program to version 3.14. I updated the virtual paginatio. . .
4/10/09 site version 3.59.43 Fixed two bugs in the news archives page. The first bug would have the wron. . .
4/5/09 I found another 18 links for states in the News page for the following states: Colorado, Arkansas, A. . .
4/4/09 Wow, I do not feel like doing much. I do not feel like playing video games, watching anime, eating,. . .
4/4/09 Updated the forums from phpbb RC8 to 3.0.4. In the News I'm Watching section I replaced the dead In. . .
4/1/09 Site versin 3.58.41 Almost not worth mentioning, but when creating a new entry for the mainpage a. . .
3/30/09 site version 3.57.41 Titles can now contain characters like <. I'm gonna call this one a bug . . .
3/19/09 Edit: Yay! I got it to work :) I went into C:Windows and found 2 copies of ie8. I renamed the pri. . .
3/17/09 site version 3.57.40 Fixed a bug where it was always Wednesday in the memo blog and the memo arch. . .

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