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Memo Blog Archives

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10/9/08 site version 3.27.23 updated the time to display the current website time. I know, not much of. . .
10/8/08 site version 3.26.23 added a new feature to make editing the main page a lot easier. After logging . . .
10/6/08 I know. updates are slow. lemme try and make it to next tri first.
10/3/08 site version 3.25.23 fixed the daily quote program so that when a quote is deleted and the previo. . .
10/3/08 site version 3.25.22 Updated the daily quote program so that the ID# is not altered to a seemingl. . .
10/1/08 slowly working on a tiny bug fix for the daily quote program. I hate to call it a bug fix though, b. . .
9/24/08 really eager to write another article or script. Just been busy lately. 3 ideas include another ar. . .
9/21/08 Not much. Just updated the code to the admin area. I removed the need for <br> tags. <br> t. . .
9/21/08 Just do not feel like doing much tonight.
9/21/08 Started work on cleaning up some of the code on my site. Updated the roster program to allow for au. . .
9/16/08 I think it may be time to work on cleaning up the code on my site again.
9/15/08 cleaned up a bunch of junk code, which now that I am more familiar with PHP and MySQL was looked a b. . .
9/11/08 site version 3.25.21 Updated the core php from 4.x to 5.x. That is the reason you might have see. . .
8/23/08 Not much going on, just felt like rambling briefly. Opera was recently updated. I was reading th. . .
8/14/08 heh, I like how the image manipulation page is turning out. I don't like how I am staying awake so . . .
8/12/08 A little sleepy and busy. This trimester I need to get 25 patient adjustments in. It seems that I . . .
8/10/08 Hi, I know it has been quite a while since I have written any type of a real update on, well, much o. . .
7/23/08 updated the PCRE intro page to include preg_match.
6/5/08 Tech review test is done. It coulda gone better, but went fine. The Emergency procedures test was . . .
6/3/08 site version 3.24.21 Updated the textarea to make it fluid.
5/31/08 hard trimester. Anyway, I got the grade I needed to pass Visceral Disorders. I also got 19/20 on m. . .
5/29/08 Well, I took my OSCE's last Friday and had my other test. Tech Review practical I believe it was. . . .
5/21/08 It has been a looong time since I have posted here. I have been working a lot on the http://www.sbr. . .
1/30/08 Fixed some errors in carriage returns article and added a section to the PCRE intro that briefly tou. . .
1/12/08 Currently I am working on an update to a friend's site to his CSS viewer program. If I can get the . . .

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