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site version 7.3
Memo Blog Archives

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7/18/07 I think I can create a search that is quite easy to use, but will require a lot of editing. The onl. . .
7/17/07 Done with the debugging of the site. I'll see what I can do to simplify the search page some more. . . .
7/17/07 I have been debugging the site this afternoon and evening. I still have a ways to go, but at least . . .
7/17/07 Oi! That took longer than I thought! There were several problems that I had not thought of. T. . .
7/17/07 tiny problem with the search program. I figured out what it is and am working on it. Should be fix. . .
7/17/07 site version 3.12.11 search has been updated to 3.3. It is now in sync with my admin page so tha. . .
7/15/07 I got a ton of work done with the search program today. The arrays are improved and the loops are d. . .
7/14/07 small update, but I have updated a few web design files with better and more accurate data and/or si. . .
7/12/07 I did not think this would be that hard, but with a bit of help from dynamic drive I was able to lea. . .
7/9/07 updated the link for campus connect in the palmer links.
7/9/07 Search program. workin' slow as usual, but I found several useless lines of code. I thought that. . .
7/8/07 all arrays have been added to the search program. next up is to add the while loops and then it sho. . .
7/7/07 Fixed a tiny bug with displaying submitted documents in the admin section. I think it looks much be. . .
7/7/07 fixed a tiny bug with the daily quote where the quote was updated at 2:00am as opposed to midnight.
7/7/07 Updated the search to version 3.2 The searches will return better results as titles are now inc. . .
7/6/07 site version 3.11.11 updated the memoblog archives to display the date next to the ID#. Also upd. . .
7/6/07 site version 3.11.10 fixed a bug in the daily quote script where results might not always be disp. . .
7/6/07 updated the code for the links pages. meh, it isn't much, but I notice the pace is picking up for w. . .
7/5/07 Site version 3.11.9 Search feature 3.1 is up and running. It uses the virtual pagination script . . .
7/4/07 I think I will add the javascript to the search feature as my next project with the search feature. . . .
7/4/07 I did a pretty thorough scan of the program for bugs and know what direction I want to take with the. . .
7/3/07 I have done a lot of work on the search feature and it already works better than the one that is up,. . .
7/3/07 I learned a cool trick or two. First, I learned what the concat function actually does. It joins s. . .
7/2/07 updated the how to display code page yet again. The main code on the page has been updated to allow. . .
6/30/07 site version 3.10.9 tiny ie bug fix for the main page where a space was being added between the b. . .

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