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site version 7.3
site update

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12/22/23 Kinda late in the day, but I did get a new news post up. This is also my first significant news upd. . .
4/6/21 Updated the Articles section to list all of the article tags as a list so as to be easier to find th. . .
1/11/21 Added a new item to HTML Tags script: ★ I'm adding it because I want to be able to star s. . .
7/31/20 Added a new tool for the admin page to reverse lists. Current list of in site tools I have to mod. . .
6/11/20 Fixed a small bug in comments where a space was missing after the date when editing an article that . . .
5/27/20 Updated the admin section to allow me to choose how many articles can be displayed at a time in the . . .
5/19/20 Removed links to the forums, wordpress, and user control panel as all of those links no longer work . . .
4/27/20 Small update to the changelog feature for articles so that if it is a new article the timestamp will. . .
4/19/20 Upgraded to php version 7.4.2 from 7.3.11.
4/15/20 Updated the News section: Removed Headlines title and enlarged the title of the first news item. . . .
1/29/19 Crazy thing, but I have recently taken up coding again. Currently, I am in the middle of updating t. . .
1/8/19 Updated the website so that comments can be added to articles.
2/17/17 Updated the Articles page to list tags vertically. I'm not the biggest fan of how it looks, but i. . .
8/23/16 Top news post in News can now utilize custom css. Before the custom css was only viewable when view. . .
11/19/10 updated a few more marvel links, but there are many left to do. Recent coding tricks I have learned. . .

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