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12/24/10 Fixed the user control panel to remove the infinite loop and to remove the necessity of logging in t. . .
12/24/10 This cold has got me down. I feel rather exhausted without doing anything and get tired quite easil. . .
12/22/10 battery light on the mouse started today. I'll post when the mouse stops working. When that happen. . .
12/21/10 sorry, still not feeling well.
12/21/10 hmm, there seems to be lots of problems with users being able to log in. I have already looked into. . .
12/19/10 updated the redirects that are in place for submitting articles so that they will always redirect to. . .
12/15/10 I have recently started ramping up my reading on homosexuality. It is a fascinating subject. Getti. . .
12/10/10 Updated the Opera –– Tips page with more relevant links and a few new tips. A few older. . .
12/9/10 kk, it works great. Hyphens are now converted to dashes and there is no longer any need for the "un. . .
12/9/10 I thought of a good update I want to try out. Basically, it changes hyphens to actual dashes when e. . .
12/9/10 to look at later http://www.technotraits.com/2008/08/11–most–useful–xp–tips&. . .
12/8/10 I added a filter and tweaked Firefox and Opera a bit. I also canceled WoW. Just not all that inter. . .
12/7/10 All of the files have finished downloading. Running the transferred swkotor games worked just fine,. . .
12/6/10 I'm back. I am currently transferring files from another computer back to my own. The first few th. . .
12/5/10 gonna format my hard drive now. See ya on the flip side.
12/1/10 made the first css change in a while and updated the ul and ol tags to remove the top and bottom mar. . .
12/1/10 Been busy the last couple days cleaning viruses and defective sectors of my hard drive. It's a bit . . .
12/1/10 I'd say MySQL – JOIN needs to be worked on next. My goal is to make it easier to understand a. . .
11/29/10 ok, Marvel links are all fixed. Next is to find another article that needs updating.
11/29/10 fixed a bug with the news where the date for new articles was 1969.
11/29/10 updated lots of Marvel links in the Marvel pages that I have. I still have the Hulk left to do.
11/29/10 I daresay I have slept about 32 hours in the last 2 days. I do hope my sleeping binge is over! We'. . .
11/28/10 sorry, gonna sleep. Just very tired the last few days. I wanted to post that the current redirects. . .
11/28/10 been sleeping a lot and playing WoW less due to less interest. I also fear that I am coming down wi. . .
11/27/10 I'm about half way through updating the links for MDCU Checklists 1. I need to sleep now. I only s. . .

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