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site version 7.3
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4/17/10 Database has been backed up. Updated the text formatting code to replace $content=str_replace. . .
4/17/10 How to display code was recently updated. The code and links were badly out of date. Several wrong. . .
4/16/10 Website was backed up. I'll backup the database next. A recent time regression brought on by fix. . .
4/16/10 site version 4.45.36 The dates for the newest files now hyperlink to its archived reference. The. . .
4/14/10 K, I think that I just posted my last Article for a while. I finished work on my website a while ba. . .
4/9/10 The "most recently updated articles" script is still too recent to be counted as a site update, but . . .
4/5/10 I like the coffee maker in this picture. It is of an unusual design. Just wanted to say that the. . .
4/5/10 site version 4.43.36 Fixed a security bug where if the user was not logged in or have the correct. . .
4/5/10 I created a new category of articles for Marvel related information: Marvel I like how that was r. . .
4/5/10 site version 4.43.35 search version 4.5: results are now ordered by ID. This is a site specific . . .
4/4/10 site version 4.42.35 fixed 2 time bugs. The first involved dates of articles being submitted in . . .
4/4/10 site version 4.42.33 Added a new section displaying the 5 most recently updated articles.
4/3/10 It's not a lot of fun to have an uncertain future, but that is the way things are at present. I am . . .
3/30/10 site version 4.41.33 search feature has been upgraded to version 4.4. When terms are placed in quo. . .
3/29/10 Site version 4.40.33 Security upgrade: updated the site to read cookies and IP addresses to detec. . .
3/25/10 site version 3.39.32 Added an "undo" command to the dash program that will temporarily reverse th. . .
3/24/10 I'm just doing very little at the moment. I did sketch the tables for the attendance program out.. . .
3/21/10 I need to remember to log out ;) I will. Anyway, the internet is down at my place, so I am using . . .
3/19/10 Latest improvements include a better understanding of htaccess, PCRE, backing up and restoring my da. . .
3/19/10 I started researching the versatile Walter Zorn tooltips script. It is actually quite nifty. I fee. . .
3/19/10 site version 4.38.31 updated the article lists to display the days since it was last updated as o. . .
3/18/10 database and website have been backed up. I was also able to restore example 2 of hyperlink your ur. . .
3/18/10 I recently had to restore my articles table. I didn't figure out what the problem was, but certain . . .
3/18/10 site update 4.37.31 The PCRE to convert hyphens to dashes has been moved over to the submit pages. . .
3/18/10 Bummer, I lost some data due a careless coding error and had to back up the database to a week ago. . . .

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