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site version 7.3
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5/12/07 I updated the timestamp article with a bit of code.
5/11/07 updated the time page so that it can recognize times other than 0, 1, and 2 hours. Now it recognize. . .
5/11/07 Well, another week is done. I passed the tests that I was concerned about. I have a bit of a cold.. . .
5/9/07 Just busy with school at the moment.
5/6/07 Nothing much. All I have done the last few days is fix a few mistakes in the how to display code do. . .
5/4/07 After several difficult hurdles, redesigning with CSS is a lot easier than HTML. Not sure what I am. . .
5/4/07 site version 3.7.6 finished converting the site to CSS and removed all the tables. There may be . . .
5/4/07 The admin section is now finished. Now to work on consolidating a bunch of the content into a few i. . .
5/3/07 k, now I think i have all of the public sites converted to CSS and all of those tables have been rem. . .
5/2/07 I have all of the public sites done. Redoing the admin page is proving to be more difficult and sim. . .
5/2/07 4 pages left to update and then I get to work on updating the admin program, but first is to study a. . .
5/2/07 lots has been done and there is still a lot left to do. I would say I am about half done with only . . .
5/2/07 The website will be partially broken while the site is rewritten into CSS. I really hope to have . . .
5/2/07 Today is day one of two big tests for me. After they are done I hope to play some WoW and do some m. . .
4/29/07 Whew! That's a lot of minor updates in the last two days. The CSS banner was made sitewide. . . .
4/29/07 site version 3.6.6 I added a master time section so that I can update the time once and easily an. . .
4/28/07 I created a website time file and added it to my HQ, but I have not figured out how to integrate it . . .
4/28/07 Well, for good or for ill the banner is now sitewide and in CSS. For ill because in order to get it. . .
4/28/07 Expanded the site version file significantly. It is about 3 times larger (which really isn't saying. . .
4/28/07 site version 3.5.6 I gave all of the input areas for the editor a background color to make it eas. . .
4/27/07 site version 3.4.6 rewrote the status box on the main page from html table to CSS. It wasn't too. . .
4/26/07 site version 3.3.6. I updated the anime and manga forms to remove out of date instructions and to g. . .
4/25/07 site version 3.2.6 bug fix brought back the site version to the main page and aligned it to the l. . .
4/25/07 Updated the code for the links page to eliminate the need for linebreaks and paragraph tags. Also r. . .
4/24/07 For the longest time I could not figure out why IE was reading the CSS differently than Opera and Fi. . .

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