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Memo Blog Archives

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1/15/14 Installed the plugins for firefox Installed k–lite–codec for wmp11 recoppied all of my old fil. . .
1/14/14 I finished applying for boards today. With my computer I streamlined the internet connection. Inst. . .
1/14/14 After the restart it now takes about 57 seconds to load swtor and get to the character select screen. . .
1/14/14 Still rebuilding my computer. I need to stop here tonight. So far updated windows media player . . .
1/14/14 I'm back. Windows update did not work when I went there. I got an error message. To fix it I went. . .
1/13/14 I'm just about ready to reformat my hard drive. Currently it takes 1:40 mins to start up my compute. . .
1/6/14 I've made a minor update to the news formatting that I use. When posting news items where I add my . . .
12/22/13 I tried adding <a> to the list of available tags in the news section, but it did not work how I h. . .
12/5/13 Opera has another new developer version available for testing. The new features of note here is a n. . .
11/27/13 I'm mostly away from the house while I am house sitting for a friend. swtor is doing double xp for . . .
11/23/13 Recently I purchased 2 LED light bulbs. Both were listed as 800 lumens. One was "cool" in color an. . .
11/23/13 The new version of Opera has been largely unusable for me with countless features missing. They are. . .
11/11/13 haxe is a free coding language for amateur game programmers/designers. evoland was made using haxe.. . .
10/31/13 (Opera) are trying to strip the browser of all additional services Quite the opposite, services l. . .
9/3/13 As a way to waste time I am going through the rather large project of updating the links to the marv. . .
8/30/13 About 2 weeks ago I mentioned that Opera had radically altered their browser. Opera decided to scra. . .
8/27/13 We're getting a puppy soon, but not until he is 6 weeks old. It is a Australian Shepperd and was bo. . .
8/17/13 I have decided to retire Dock Conntent script in favor of using position:fixed. members who edit th. . .
8/17/13 A moderator at Opera says Opera's apparent decision to radically alter their browser from its abilit. . .
8/16/13 The links in Opera –– Tips have been largely repaired, but now the page layout needs to be redon. . .
8/15/13 I just tried Opera 15, 16, and 17 and do not like them. They are incredibly minimalistic, which mea. . .
8/15/13 I just fixed the memo blog archives. Sorry about that. It was throwing out an error due to the cha. . .
7/30/13 to read later.
7/28/13 search feature has been updated so that columns in datetime format are now searchable. This is only. . .
7/28/13 I've got an idea for a simple fix, but it will require updating the layout for my tables, so the web. . .

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