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Memo Blog Archives

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7/28/13 fixed a bug in the search feature where an error message would display if no categories were selecte. . .
7/28/13 I just backed up the website and database. I think I have found a bug or two in the search feature,. . .
7/23/13 This product takes teflon to a whole new level.
7/22/13 Just heard this on the radio and wanted to link it here to read later.
7/21/13 The liberal mind is a bit hard for me to fathom, but this youtube video helps. The background music. . .
7/18/13 Wow, I just watched the first episode of Rozen Maiden 2. The first episode moved very fast and was . . .
7/14/13 Heh, It looks like I neglected to update the sql functions for logging in as admin, so if the admin . . .
7/7/13 I've gotta say that if I were to get back into anime online services like Crunchyroll would go a lon. . .
7/5/13 The Bible Quotes list page is now working.
7/5/13 The archives for the main page posts is now fully viewable.
7/4/13 Fixed the Site Navigation so that I can add and remove links.
7/3/13 The admin page for the search feature now works, so I can now change what aspects of the site are se. . .
7/2/13 Almost everything is working now after replacing the deprecated mysql functions. The remaining sect. . .
7/2/13 bible verses, anime and manga reviews can now be viewed. I am now able to edit those pages as well.. . .
7/2/13 It looks like I need to debug the pagination on some of the pages.
7/1/13 Ok, I felt I had to do one more before going to sleep and got at least a little bit of the member co. . .
7/1/13 Most of the site is up and running now with the the new mysql functions. I'm gonna stop here. I'll. . .
7/1/13 Sorry about the lack of warning. I have been busy this afternoon updating the mysql functions on my. . .
6/27/13 I'm still combing through a mountain of news items over the last two days covering the Supreme Court. . .
6/22/13 I want to add this as a link someplace, but I am not sure where. Google Dashboard
6/22/13 I just found another hard to remember item! This one is the game Rastan. All I could remember was . . .
6/21/13 The programming tag has been removed and all of the articles (66 or so) have had the tag removed and. . .
6/15/13 I came home and was excited to discover that my swtor account is now preferred status. I'll be tryi. . .
6/15/13 I added a failsafe until I get the admin pages all fixed that will keep the servers from being disab. . .
6/13/13 I have started a swtor preferred vs free to play comparison chart to compare the differences between. . .

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