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Memo Blog Archives

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6/20/11 I suspect I am done with site updates as well as articles for a while. I'll take some time off from. . .
6/19/11 updated the font color of the comments on the articles to always be black so as to avoid potential r. . .
6/18/11 Nothing much. Just lazily updating tv and movies hard to remember to be more informative and readab. . .
6/17/11 News items and articles now have default tags of "aa" when the field is left blank.
6/17/11 reworded the upload image forms for readability.
6/17/11 I decided to do it now while I am awake and the method was fresh in my mind. The article submit fil. . .
6/17/11 fixed a bug in the news item submit file where new tags had to be submitted twice before being recog. . .
6/16/11 there is still some weird bug with creating new tags in the news section, but it is difficult to pin. . .
6/16/11 In Foreign Movies I finished adding all of the countries for the foreign films and hyperlinked the i. . .
6/16/11 I moved the text replace script to one of my core folders and updated it somewhat. I have sever. . .
6/14/11 All news items now have titles.
6/12/11 While I have been going through older news items giving them titles I notice a steady increase in th. . .
6/12/11 Updated the admin article tags page the same way the admin news tags page was updated.
6/12/11 Fixed the bug in the article submit file where unrecognized tabs must be submitted twice in order to. . .
6/12/11 Updated the admin News tags page to display the ID of the category name for confirmation purposes an. . .
6/11/11 Updated a news table to ensure that news items without a tag are given a default tag of 'abortion' i. . .
6/11/11 removed the misc tag by giving them other tags.
6/11/11 Fixed a few bugs in the news section where new categories had to be submitted twice before being rec. . .
6/11/11 Added a couple of Bible verses.
6/10/11 I am finished with the Editor for now. I was rather uneasy about adding the ability to delete direc. . .
6/9/11 Added a default value to the admin theme page. Now article body background color is preselected.
6/9/11 When editing an article in visual mode Wordpress auto corrects in a weird way producing the A with a. . .
6/9/11 No, I really need to stop coding. I have been binge coding too much.
6/9/11 I'm going to hold off a little bit while I ponder the best way to do this. I pretty much already kn. . .
6/8/11 Added the option for the admin to add hover text for memo blog images. Not sure how often I will us. . .

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